13 December 2014

Game Building

Intense concentration, advanced problem solving and tough personal challenges - that's what's going on in this Yr8 class. 

They're busy designing, coding and creating their own computer games using the Scratch programming platform. I had a go with several of them, and even though they were 'work in progress' they were still very playable. 

10 December 2014

Digital Art

All students throughout secondary school experience the use of digital tools for creating artwork. I'm regularly amazed at speed which they learn new techniques and skills. Under the expert guidance of our Art teacher, Mr Daniel, students create quality work, often high levels of creativity.

The piece below is the work of Alyssa (Yr9) and is a lovely example of what can be produced with the aid of a computer.

08 December 2014

Peer Support

This photo was taken in an IGCSE ICT lesson where we were building tables on a webpage using HTML code. What does it look like to you ... the boys helping the girls out?
Actually, the boys came over to find out how the girls had done it! Haha.